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  • Helm is package manager for Kubernetes.
  • Helm Chart is bundle with one or more Kubernetes manifests.
  • Chart allow to version your manifest files.
  • Helm keep release history of all deployed charts.

Basic commands

Search repo

helm search repo <keyword>


helm install <my-name> <chart-name>

Get manifest of installed charts

helm get manifest <my-chart>


helm uninstall <my-chart>

How to create Helm Chart

  • Tutorial:
  • Run helm create <chart-name> to create template.
  • Go templates folder. Some general deployment.yaml, service.yaml has created.


Verify chart if follows best proactices

helm lint

Rendering chart locally

helm template --debug

Dry run install

helm install --dry-run --debug <my-chart> ./<chart-dolder>

Package the chart to distrbute

helm package ./hello-world


The stack come with

  • prometheus: Core component. Metric collection engine that collect metrics from the agent.
  • alertmanager: Send alert notification when metrics reach alarm state.
  • grafana: Visualization of metrics.
  • node-exporter: Export node metrics like load average, CPU, memory, storage performance.
  • kube-state-exporter: Export metrics directly from Kubernetes API server. Generate metrics above internal Kubernetes objects such as deployment, service, node, pod.
  • prometheus operator : Simplify and automate stack setup. Uses Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD) to manage Prometheus, alertmanager, and related components.