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  • Pod accessing another pod in another namespace. Use dns eg curl <service-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local

Cheat Sheet

Workload Management


  • Managed stateless application deployment: scaling, rollout, rollback.
  • Make sure identical number of pod running


  • Manage deployment and scaling of stateful application
  • Provide guarantees of ordering and uniqueness of pod. Each pod maintain sticky identify for stable network and persistent storage.


  • Ensure a specific pod runs on every node within cluster.
  • Use case:
    • Log agent to collect log
    • Monitoring agent to monitor node
    • Run specific network plugins
    • Security agent to maintain integrity and security of cluster

PV and PVC

  • PV provide way to store data in cluster.
  • PVC request specfic resource from PV.

Concept of Ingress

  • Ingress is an API object that manage external access to services in cluster, typical HTTP. Ingress can provide laod balancing, SSL termination and name-based virtual hosting.

How to secure Kubernetes

  • Network policy
  • Role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Secret manager
  • Use namspaces
  • Secure API servers
  • Ensure the cluster is up to date and security patches