- Installation:
brew install minikube
- Start cluster:
minikube start
- Check status:
minikube status
Method 1: Install Prometheus & Grafana
Create namespace kubectl create namespace monitoring
Deploy prometheus-config.yaml kubectl apply -f -n monitoring
Deploy prometheus-deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f -n monitoring
Deploy prometheus-service.yaml kubectl apply -f -n monitoring
Install grafana helm repo add grafana helm repo update helm install grafana grafana/grafana --namespace monitoring kubectl get pods -n monitoring
Access Grafana kubectl get service -n monitoring kubectl expose service grafana --type=NodePort --target-port=3000 --name=grafana-ext -n monitoring minikube service grafana-ext Import Grafana ID: 315
Method 2: Install Prometheus & Grafana
Deploy Google Demo Services
kubectl apply -f config-microservices.yaml
Set up Helm. Add Prometheus community repo
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
- Install Prometheus and Grafana
kubectl create namespace monitoring
helm install monitoring prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring
kubectl get pods -n monitoring
kubectl get svc -n monitoring
- Access Prometheus and Grafana
kubectl port-forward service/monitoring-kube-prometheus-prometheus -n monitoring 9090:9090 &
kubectl port-forward service/monitoring-grafana 8080:80 -n monitoring &
- Grafana login
Username: admin
Password: prom-operator