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Security Group vs Network Access Control List (NACL)

Security Group NACL
Apply to instance Apply to subnet
Stateful. Automatically allows return traffic Stateless. Need allow both inbound and outbound
Default: deny all inbound Default: allow all traffic
Allow rules only Can specify allow and deny rules

Which AWS service that are not region specific?

  • IAM, Route53, Cloudfront

How to make sure ALB receive traffic from Cloufront?

  • Configure Cloudfront to add custom header to ALB.
  • Configure ALB only forward request that contain the custom header.

AWS design decision

  • Upgrade EOL
  • Use IAC
  • Automated/Continous deployment: blue/green deployment
  • Use AWS auto scaling
  • Allow horizontal scaling
  • Instance swap
  • Self healing, auto recovery
  • Redeploy to multi AZ for resilliency/disaster recovery
  • Enhance data security and protection
  • Use Cloudfront enforce secure end-to-end connection to origin servers by https
  • Use managed services like EC2, RDS
  • Break down to smaller services and contrainerized application for easier management and deployment
  • Opportunistic refactoring. Rewrite application to serverless
  • Standardlise application layers
  • Move to SaaS, cloud-based commercial app


  • Build highly availability network connectivity
    • Use highly available DNS
    • CDN
    • API gateway
    • Load balancing
    • Reverse proxies
  • AWS ALB and NLB are reverse proxies. Reversed proxy improve web performance by caching, security, evenly distributing traffic
  • Difference between proxy, reversed proxy
    • (Forward) Proxy sit between user and internet. Forward request on behalf user. For caching, bypass restriction, enhance privacy.
    • Reversed Proxy sit between internet and server. Receive request on behalf server. Use for load balancer, caching, pSSL termination, protecting server from direct exposure

AWS Security

  • AWS Cloudtrail
  • AWS Security Hub
    • Implement controls from market-proven security standard
    • Aggregate findings from all security services
    • Provide team with a single panel of glass for security findings
    • Enable standard CIS AWS Foundation Benchmarks and AWS Foundational Security Best Practices
  • AWS Config
  • AWS GuardDuty

Best practise managing cost

  • Use AWS Cost Explorer and Budget
  • Implement resource tagging
  • Choose the right model (reserved instance, saving plans)
  • Regulary review and optimize resource usage

Sync between 2 buckets

aws s3 sync s3://<bucket1>/ s3://<bucket2>/ --source-region us-east-1 --region ap-southeast-1