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Push an existing repository to new repository

Get current remote repo URL

git remote -v

Set new remote repo

git remote set-url origin

Push to repo

git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Git command

List which files are staged, unstage and untracked.

git status

Displays committed snapshots.

git log
git log --oneline

# Display last 3 commits
git log -n 3

Changes on a individual file.

git blame <filename>
git blame

Undo a file

# Undo last change
git revert  HEAD

Reset to a specific commit

git reset --hard <ID>

Cheat Sheet

Gitlab Git Cheat Sheet

Git Flow Strategy

  • Have 5 branch type: main, develop, feature, release, hotfix
  • main branch: contain production-ready code that can be released
  • dev branch: contain pre-production code