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  • Check for a particular file size. du -sh <filename>

Troubleshoot Error

  1. Collect info and identify the problem
    • Slow response, high latency, unable to reach server, timeout
    • Check for recent change make to app or infra
  2. Web server (infra) troubleshooting
    • See if processes is running
    • Check server health:
      • CPU/memory usage
      • Storage usage, disk I/O
      • Network traffic, latency, throughput
      • Error rate
    • Compare current performance metrics against baseline
    • Analyze pattern: look for unusual spike traffic, bandwidth hogs, malicious activities
    • Verify web server log and look for error
    • Review configuration setting. Ensure infra is properly configure
  3. Application Performance Issue
    • Use Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
    • Help root cause analysis. Identify problem that could be cause by code issue, server performance, network latency
    • Check for response time, request rate, throughput, error rate, uptime
    • Check log for error
    • Check database query performance and number of connection
  4. End-user troubleshooting
    • Access app from user browser. Check for response time and DNS issue

Find listening port on Mac

netstat -an | grep -i listen | grep 80
netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep 80

Linux File System Explained

Linux File System